Tristate Technology Ltd has currently stopped further trading from May 2024.

If you have any enquiry regarding the Stromasys Charon Emulators then please contact Stromasys directly at
Experts in Legacy Systems Migration

Tristate can supply, configure and migrate legacy systems onto new modern hardware, virtual or cloud environments, without changing operating system or modifying any code.
Tristate is a partner of Stromasys, the leading provider of enterprise-class cross-platform virtualization solutions.

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Supported Systems

Tristate Technology is able to provide various cross platform virtualisation solutions to allow non-disruptive migration of legacy operating systems and applications.

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Tristate provide consultancy to thoroughly review and audit a customers running system and recommend migration solution options.

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About us

Tristate Technology has many years of experience in supporting legacy systems, both software and hardware.

Supported Operating Systems
Tristate Technology is able to provide various cross platform virtualisation solutions to allow non-disruptive migration of legacy operating systems and applications. The migration system, also known as a system emulator, will run either on a Windows System, or on a Linux based System. The Windows Systems can be either a Desktop or Server OS, whichever is appropriate and provides the required level of resilience. Various versions of Linux are supported.
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What we do.
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Tristate provide consultancy to thoroughly review and audit a customers running system and recommend migration solution options.

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The emulator can be installed and configured to precisely match the customers requirements and then the customer can migrate their own operating system and application in their own time.

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Tristate will provide a full migration service, reconfiguring the operating system if needed and the customer can then just reboot and run on the emulated environment.

The Problem - harware
Many organisations are running important or critical applications on older legacy hardware systems. These systems may be becoming slow, unreliable or expensive to maintain. Running costs of power, cooling, hardware maintenance and datacenter space are also rising.
The problem - Software
The costs and time required to rewrite the application maybe prohibitive and the required knowledge of how the application works may no longer be available.
The solution
Tristate can supply, configure and migrate legacy systems onto new modern hardware, virtual or cloud environments, without changing operating system or modifying any code. This is achieved by implementing an Emulator layer, that replicates the original hardware environment, thereby allowing the legacy system to be migrated to new hardware and operate without change.
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Stromasys Partner
Tristate Technology is an Authorized Partner of Stromasys, the leading provider of enterprise-class cross-platform virtualization solutions.
With their Cross-Platform Server Virtualization solutions, you simply swap out the aging hardware with a virtualized environment and move the software stack to increase performance, lower cost and reduce risk – all at once, and in a matter of days - Tristate can help you get there!
We are working with the great clients
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